
In Frankreich ist 2017 ein Dokumentarfilm rausgekommen: „À la recherche des femmes chefs“ ( Auf der Suche nach Chefköchinnen) von Vérane Frédiani.

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Filmposter von The Goddesses of Food, ein Dokumentarfilm von Vérane Frédiani
Filmposter von The Goddesses of Food, ein Dokumentarfilm von Vérane Frédiani

Hier ist einen Trailer zum Film:

Trailer from La Ferme Productions on Vimeo.

Laut der Webseite der Produktionsfirma La Ferme Productions geht es im Film über Folgendes

„We will meet innovative women in the food world changing the game at all levels: chefs, sous chefs, sommeliers, activists…. Haute gastronomy and street food. Yes, we can change the world through gastronomy and women have a major role to play in that change through food and their vision of food.
Women we follow come from all over the world but share the same concerns and motivation. They consider gastronomy as a way to communicate with others, as a way to educate people about their culture, a way to expand their role in society and support local economies. Yes these women have talent and creativity but often they use them with a different goal in mind than the male chefs.
This would not be a problem if women didn’t have such a hard time getting recognition and media attention. Why is it so difficult for female chefs to get their talent and work on the front pages of magazines? Are they playing by the same rules as the male chefs? Are they allowed to? The film explores several situations in different parts of the world.“

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